Treasure Hunt

Perfect Platinum
4 min readNov 4, 2022


Well, it was just another normal day, but a person wished she could be more “normaler”. Familiar yet strange place, with familiar yet stranger people. Well, everyone looks natural but what’s she missing? A lot but negligible. Humongous but probably doesn’t make any difference. Well, simple words could explain but could not explain enough.

Treasure hunt is a very casual, fun sport. What could be so damn complicated in it? Probably to play in groups. It was a nice evening, everything was well and set. This treasure hunt was different from other treasure hunts. The objects could actually move and had life. All the objects were told to go and hide in some place so that they could be found. So, there were 10 objects in total and 2 groups consists of 10 people each. Whichever group finds more objects, quicker than the other group with the help of a clue wins. There was a mug, soap, butter, a medal, a tiara, a diary, a ribbon, a cloak, rubber, and paper. And each of these items actually had life and they were given the freedom to go and hide in whatever place they like. And these, duh, humans were given clues to find them.

Well, when it comes to humans, one of the things which, “most of them”, don’t face any difficulties with is to “gang up”. You know, they are strangers and become friends in a week, and in some weird cases inseparable lovers and before you know it they break up. Socializing is a complicated term and you only know how it feels when you don’t fit in and you have FOMO. “You don’t have to fit in, they say”, but now that I am older, I know things I could believe in or you know be practical. In short, they ganged up to find the treasures. Little do they know that each treasure had a life and a meaning behind them. And also it’s normal nature for humans to overlook things and be careless of something they own. When will they ever learn? The truth is they don’t have to. What’s inside their mind, only they know.

The treasure hunt began and we know people, their first target was on tiara and medal. Well, it’s nothing to be ashamed of or there’s nothing there to blame them. This world literally said, “Survival of the fittest.”

“Somethings that lock their Eyes,

Power and Beauty added;

Owned by those who are Rich and Wise;

Descended or landed.”

Okay! It seems like a tiara of course but not a Medal because a Tiara is about beauty and power whereas a Medal is about swag and competitiveness. Okay, where is it? This was the first clue, they went searching and it was located right in the middle of the arena.

“You have to win me

If you Dare;

Your hard work pays no guarantee!

But signifies that you care.”

And this was not invisible either, it was right inside the glass cube guarded, eye-capturing but not reachable. And we all know that’s a medal.

“Well, I am a simple guy but you need me, to get through the day or night.”

And this was in the kitchen, where everyone casually adores and treasures it and absolutely needs it in life more than anything else. And no one can disagree, this Mug is what everyone needs on an everyday basis. And guys, the mug here represents food so, you know how much you need it. Hunger is that one feeling that reminds humans that they are humans on an everyday basis.

“I am soft, but I help you remove the mess you made, but totally sacrifice myself. And that’s how much I love you!”

And this was in the Washroom or Bathroom and we all know it’s soap. And it’s something we all use every day. Well, it’s people’s nature to make use of things. And they are everyday things and we don’t know their worth even when they are gone, we only get annoyed over the fact but we don’t realize their worth.

“Well, I’ll melt your heart and make you feel worth it even though I don’t mean it.”

Well, we all need that someone rooting for us. And someone who knows it has great power. But the truth is we don’t need butter in our day-to-day lives as much as we need others but its popularity is overrated. Was found chilling in the refrigerator.

“Well sometimes, I am a valuable asset but sometimes I am just trash.”

It was in the trash because nobody bothered to carry those old-fashioned tools anymore.

“I help you correct your silly mistakes but this digital world made my worth lesser.”

Don’t worry eraser, the digital world sure made your worth less but the digital world can also erase important data in seconds by accident but you would never do that. And that’s where you stand. In a kid’s pencil box.

“I just look pretty, then you cut me off and you’d need me like never.”

Ribbons in some parts of the world define beauty, personality, accessories, and discipline. How you view it, tells your world. It was tied gracefully on gift boxes only to be thrown.

“Well, I could just make you look fancier and add a subtle amount of mystery.”

Some people like a mystery but we all love fancy. Certainly can’t deny it. Where’s it by the way? It’s a mystery. lol.

Some were found but some weren’t. But all of these we thought about at least once. That one thing that nobody searched for is Dairy. Where is the fucking Dairy? Dairy is missing from the list.

“Where’s the fucking Dairy?”

You can’t find it because Paris took it.



Perfect Platinum

Totally introvert! But I love humans too. Artist Creative thinker and dreamer. World is too small for my dreams😋