Perfectly Imperfect!

Perfect Platinum
3 min readSep 20, 2023


Hi, y’all! It’s Paris again!

And this was the 12.00 am celebration of Miss Paris in the year 2023. And this year’s goal is :

Less People, Less Bullshit!

New year means new me. But I would like it to be new means, new discipline. Do I want to stay the same; No! But am I allergic to awesomeness, well , no again;

Should we talk about about people. Well, I don’t wanna but looks like they are present in every nook and corner. Well, as the old saying goes , it’s not you, it’s them. They are the problem , it’s them.

Paris has joined new office; More specifically, like a year ago, in January 2022. But now, it’s January 2023 but still Paris hadn’t made a single friend. Well, yeah, she could may be if some people could match her vibe or rather be humans and not bitches. Well, it’s difficult to find humans because, there’s like a lot of bitches dominating. Well, not to worry, there’s different kinds of bitches with different variations and intensity. Well, there are humans too. Yup, humans too and you a lucky bastard if you find one.

Well, flashback: Paris tried hard to make friends. Everyday, she greeted them with smile, find ways to bond with them and even went out of her league and asked them, if she could join lunch with them. But those so called bastards didn’t even hide the fact that they were ignoring her whole existence and felt very difficult to call her for lunch when she was sitting just beside them but they went on to far away desks to call other colleagues aka bitches for lunch. Well, forget it all; Her team members with her had an official unofficial meeting. They all ignored her and were talking about football after the so called official unofficial meeting ended. In quest of breaking the awkwardness, she went on to have a sip of tea and chose a random table to sit. The so called team minus Paris just then came as well, to get coffee/tea, whatever the bullshit it was. And they literally took the chair from her table and put those in another table and sat. And there, she felt like a loser sipping, the tea alone. And they were all boys, hence it was typical, male bitches. And Paris was like, “I can see you drag the chair away and chose to ignore, I can see you make me even hate you more!” Well, what can I say? These boys, make me hate them even more like each and everyday.

Well then, we’ll take these all and then come to a conclusion. All along, it was not them and it was me. Yeah, I was the problem. Because let’s put it this way. If you declare a variable as char and assign it a integer, would the compiler accept? Well, nope! Similarly, in the world full of, you know, bitches, if you be yourself, would the society accept. Well, no! Then why the fuck did you expect. Be smart. Be brainy. Well, it stopped hurting Paris when she understood the compilation error. Do you feel left out, when they don’t call you? May be; But do you actually want to go out with them. Hell no! I am never, trying to get along with these chair snatchers and lunch break wannabees like ever. Well, between them , I bet they would have so much tea. Well, not interested, your tea is not worth it , just like your face. You so ugly, you got the evidence right there. I don’t talk trash, I talk smack!

Socializing isn’t socializing, it’s just getting along with the bitches. And congratulations if you made it. You won yourself a bitch group. So much quality time with so much more quality people. And me, I’ll be out of here as soon as I can.

Well, Paris started new year by bitching about people, so enough of that bullshit. She crumbled that piece of that paper and let it burn. Oh, pollution. Well she cut herself a cake, well, nice delicious cake. Chocolate Truffle, yes! Some people are like, it’s new year and it’s no big deal. Well, keep that “no deal” with yourself and I couldn’t care less. And she wrote that entry in her diary,

“Well 2023, it’s Britney Bitch!”



Perfect Platinum

Totally introvert! But I love humans too. Artist Creative thinker and dreamer. World is too small for my dreams😋