My Top 10 Folklore Songs:

Perfect Platinum
7 min readSep 18, 2021


Folkare made me feel nostalgic even though it was one of the recent albums of Tswift.Each and everyone of those songs were lit.In fact, they were literal poems.These poems told a story in such a way that it made me feel like I was gazing over stars in a silent night.Well the whole album was magical and here are my top 10 favorite and the reason why I chose them….

Disclaimer : I am not rating the songs.I absolutely loved all the songs but however, there are some songs that I keep on repeat and so I listed which songs I listen often and their reasons.

10.Mad Woman:

Sometimes it’s just funny how sarcastic the world can get.No body is born to ruin but after birth psychology is unpredictable.Well then, let’s leave somethings, and go to something obvious.When a person is angry, they are made to feel guilty, when innocent, then made to feel dumb, when sweet, made to feel like a pushover and it goes on.Well, in my opinion these are genuine emotions of humans but they are not free because if you express one of these, then you must bear the expense of a “tag”.

This song exactly portrays that.Maybe in beginning of a relationship, things can seem sweet.But as the time goes on, just because she likes someone she can’t accept all the character possessed by that particular someone.She has the right to feel and express her genuine emotions.She just can’t fake happiness just because she likes somebody.But then, when if expresses her most rightful emotions, then she is given the tag, “mad woman”.

9.Invisible string:

Time, is the protagonist of this song, in my opinion and it kind of gives me rainbow after rain vibe.

Time is colorful

Time is memories

Time is journey

Time is emotion

Time is story

Time literally kicks you off to the ground and then aids you to get up and helps you to stand firmly on the ground.Time hurts and heals.And these invisible strings that are connected to one another are manipulated by time.Time is pretty, isn’t it?

8.The 1:

Human emotions, at times get so damn unpredictable.To be frank our emotions too. There are times, we start asking ourselves when we started feeling this way. We can’t decide our emotions.Yet, we have to be responsible for it.Yeah, I know it’s weird but that’s how it works.Especially when it comes to romance, I guess you are aware how complicated things get.Even though you have control over your actions, but you literally have no control over how you feel.You like that person for a reason, but then you hate the fact that they are not the exact person that you like.Confused? Well, if you like somebody, but then it’s only fair for them to like you too, and that’s psychology and not reality. In reality they are so damn different from the one in your head and the difference of image between psychology and reality drives you crazy.Well these psychology image also includes the things you expect.

Eventually time alters two of these dimensions.If psychology can’t accept since, may be it was delicate, eventually in time you run out of these heavy feelings.Then you accept the truth and wonder may be it would have been nice if it was but it ain’t, so no probs.It’s absolute neutral.

7.My tears ricochet

I absolutely love this songs and it gives me chills.Literally every single word in it gives me chills.It’s like things happen for a reason and it’s relative.May be how we just can’t let go certain things and in the end you get something that you totally unexpected.May be about how the hurt and got hurt are linked and how they linger.It’s like an anthem of an immortal soul. It’s like how so called bonds turn upside down out of blue.Whatever it is, it’s deeply poetic.

6.Last Great American Dynasty

Now, this story is a pure art.This story tells about a woman, who followed her heart and lived her life despite being given a tag by the society.It takes a lot of courage and she was really very proud.Yes, she should be proud but people in society act like it’s something to be shameful for.Unfortunately we can’t change people’s thought for now but all we can change is our reaction and how we take it.It’s about our belief fighting against the subconscious feeling caused by the society.It’s about how strong our belief and consciousness is.And yes, Rebekah belief is so damn strong that she is on her way of creating the new history.


This song is soothing and calming and is kind of sad.Mostly, it feels like an argument between two people which portrays how different and similar they were and still are.It’s about a man being angry and bitter over the fact that she moved on but still he couldn’t due to the fact that he thought of her as his homeland and home is a place where you return to.And the woman is frustrated over the fact that despite giving him many chances he still couldn’t keep her happy and she thought of him as her homeland too but she moved on to be happy on her own since it was the only way to get out of the pain but now he merely is adding insult to injury.Both are trying to justify their feelings in a calm and angry way at the same time.


So, this song is one the “Folklore trilogy” or the triangle.Initially I liked this song alot and I still do like this song but this is the least favorite in the trilogy. It’s about a seventeen year old boy justifying his actions saying he’s still young and learning. But the disturbing part is him calling that August girl, “only a summer thing”, but in this context he meant it to tell Betty and express how important Betty is.However this song is from a boy’s perspective in which he’s realizing his mistake and trying to rectify it but then again not all the three can be happy since one of them can’t escape the hurt in the end.

3.This is me trying

The first song I heard in folklore is “My tears ricochet” and the second song I heard is “this is me trying”, and I felt I could relate to this song alot.By the way, this is the only song I could ever relate to.I mean I could feel other songs and could relate to them indirectly but not directly.I mean things I do or want to do can seem exact opposite for others , but whatever I am doing is me trying to be better for myself as well as for others.But when I was younger it seemed so much easier but this is me trying to be better version of myself again despite the darkest times I have encountered in my life.


So literally this song and August made it difficult for me to choose between them but I ultimately chose August first. And this is one of the triangle songs and I absolutely loved it.The rhymes, the similes, the metaphors, etc were absolutely artistic and magical.I mean, how Betty relates her life events to some phrases is absolutely lit and genius.How she implies that she knew everything when she was young and how she describes it poetically is absolutely artistic.Cardigan is pure art.


I don’t know but this song gives me a nostalgic and a spring vibe. And why I chose August over Cardigan is that , because I felt this song more sensitive and deeply emotional.But nobody cares about this hurt feelings.Everybody assumes August to be a less sensitive girl but in fact she is the more sensitive one because of which she ended up in the position she is.I could relate this song to “Solitary reaper”, in which a sensitive and lonely girl is singing a sad song.And she is hurt and lamenting over the fact. But her only mistake was to fall in love for which she is paying off.In the end, she comes to know that she was literally nothing or just a summer thing.

And yeah, the above are my favorite ones that gives me chills and hey if they are your favorite too, then “High Five”. If they are not, that’s okay. I like almost all the songs, however there are some, which I haven’t listened enough.I like how this album is so damn poetic and gives a calm vibe and conveys a deep story.

So that’s pretty much it and so see you later , swifties……..



Perfect Platinum

Totally introvert! But I love humans too. Artist Creative thinker and dreamer. World is too small for my dreams😋